b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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"..And the Mega Ridiculous award goes to..."
2005-07-23 7:26 p.m.

The latest drama:
It's dinner time! I've made mom lose her appetite. Fuck you mommy! ;D

Look. She gave me the menu and I decided on what I wanted... She came back in the room and I didn't immeadiately announce what I had wanted so she asked me if I was all set like I wasn't going to get anything. So I clarify that yes I do actually want to eat something tonight and I tell her-- a small ham, salami, and cheese sandwitch with lettuce tomato pickles and mayo. Right?

She asks me again.. No problem. A small ham salami and cheese sandwitch with lettuce, tomato pickles and mayo..

So she grabs something to write with: a pencil that someone left within reach of my dog so she chewed it up. She hands it to my step father, "Can you throw this away.. Remy chewed on it and I was going to sharpen it.. but..." Whatever. So she grabs a pen, "Oh. She chewed on this one too!" ...

Where have you been!? She chewed on that pen a long time ago!! Stupid bitch.

So she goes off in the other room to order and rattles off the 1st item.. then she says mine and comes back in the room-- "Did you want anything else on that, Jen?"

Agrivated, I say, "Yeah: Lettuce, Tomatos, Pickles and Mayo.. I told you like 5 times! WTF." So she throws a temper tantrum while she is on the phone, swinging violently with the hand she was holding the menu in..

Really though. She knows how it gets under my skin about her repeating herself, especially when she asks me the same question over and over.. If you didn't know what I wanted because you didn't write it down, then why did you walk away? You should have just asked me one more time before you got on the phone.

So she threw her stupid little 6 year old fit and decided she wasn't hungry because I made her lose her appetite. Piss off already. you're my mother: put me in my place already instead of balling about it.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]