b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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You could learn a few things..
2005-07-27 2:53 p.m.

HA. i am such a turd!

I just finished the very last of my stash.. I mean like I wanted to get rid of it but I didn't bother to give it away.. And it lasted longer than I had expected. The bf dude thought I quit Sunday.. but I didn't. Today --um.. tomorrow will be the beginning of trying to better my life. Yeahh =)

So. What the hell am I going to do with my life, anyway? I wanted to do visual art before and then I wanted to be a counselor before.. But I don't know if I would be able to deal with people's problems. Then I wanted to be a teacher... but I realized they don't get paid enough. I don't know what I want to do. Perhaps I will have a easier time getting some direction when I am clear headed.

I was thinking of going for some culinary classes over here at Johnson and Wales for a catering/ dessert thing-- mostly cakes . Like wedding cakes. IT's Visual Arts! Damnit! I am a genius!!

Ahem. Really though. That's like something beautiful and it's special to people and crap and like a skill useful for life. Even if a business in wedding cakes or desserts doesn't work out big, it could always be a side cash thing.. And even if it's like skills for birthday cakes, the looks on their faces would be reward enough for me..

I sound like such a dope unleashing a fantasy like that. Whateverrrrr.

My single tarot card of the day was- the Knight of Pentacles Tarot of the Fey
My Interpretation
The red haired knight looks back at the castle and road where he came from. He has a sword on his back but he looks rather relaxed and perhaps a little bit apprehensive about leaving. But the rabbit continues on. He knows there is a mission and while he might not know where the road is leading, he is doing it because he is loyal and responsible.

The book says
"Simple meaning
Responsibility, honesty, service, loyal spirit."

"Advanced Meaning
Loyalty is not aimed at only one person or at a duty in a strict sense, to words said,or to promises. Loyalty is a sentiment that is linked to coherence in things we belong to and love. Through loyalty, with regards to our values or our origins, it is possible to discover a part of your actual identity."

[ say what? || nonsense! ]