b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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Career decisions.. not yours
2005-09-12 9:29 p.m.

Did I mention I lost my job? ..Well.. Not techically "Lost" it but they fired me. *YAWN* Because I am really losing out a a whole lot: 1 or 2 days a week of work. Yeah. okay. And they're only like 3 hour shifts. Screw that joint.

So now I am thinking about opening up a doggie daycare.. But I think it will be a bit overwhelming with just me doing it.. Therefore: my apprehension. Yeah-- I would love to have my own business.. But I would also like to be able to go on vacation once in a while and owning a doggie daycare where I would be the sole worker, it just wouldn't happen. It's not like if I go on vacation so would all of my customers.. And I see it play out in my mind: I mention to them that I will be on vacation for a week and they will get frustrated for not having a place for Fido to be in good company during work which will then cause them to go somewhere else with their business.. Right? Because then I may be viewed as unreliable.. Did I think this out enough?

Of course since my brain goes in a million different directions at once, I think, "Maybe I can be like a spiritual counselor or something.." .. I think that's what I would be best cut out for.. But I am extremely impractical and money doesn't motivate me-- happiness and freedom motivate me. Helping others motivates me..

.. oh yeah.. and maybe some cheeba too..

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