b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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that's what i get for listenin to the receptionist!
2003-08-05 10:05 p.m.

so. all last week and up until today i panicked. pissed off that i had to have a pelvic exam since i had about 8 last year. i had been ripping out my hair and eating the skin off my fingers.

i call the taxi company at 3 and they tell me 10 minutes.. so here i am, pacing back and fourth.. eating my fingers to the bone. my appointment is at 3:45. yeah well it was 3:40 and i decided i should call and tell them that the cab people are off their rockers at the moment..

i open my agenda and look at today to see if i have the number written for the clinic..


relief. i could breathe again.

i got there 45 minutes early but who cares? and then i found out i didnt have a exam after all. grr.

now that i am bald and my fingers are chewed down to bloody stumps, i don't even need the birth control.

nobody in their right mind will wanna bone a chick with half a head of hair and no fingers to give a hand job with.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]