b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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i am just going to ignore her pretty soon.
2003-09-19 8:44 a.m.

First Entry of the Day

i almost just flipped my spiffy chair over. that would have been spectacular! anyhow.

so there i am. sleeping. it is 1:46 in the morning. i hear 5,000.25 ducks outside my window. Ducks? silly me! it isn't ducks but it is the small pond right outside my window! there is NO water in the pond. nope. none.

OF COURSE this is my fault because i was the only one to use the door next to the pond. it is my fault that it was windy outside and all the water blew out of the half filled pond.

lets do a Stand In My Shoes perspective.. if your mother complains non-stop about the pond saying that it is irritating her that she has to fill the pond everyday because !!GODFORBID!! some of the water evaporates.. then she says, "The next time the water is gone I am just going to leave it! I'm going to let it all drain out! That pond has been nothing but a nuisence from Day 1!!.. you come home one day and see that there is no water in the pond-- don't cha think that it was intentional?

jesus christ! what was i THINKING! how could i actually pay attention when she spoke!?

[ say what? || nonsense! ]