b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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i should have coughed or sneezed on him.
2003-09-25 10:27 p.m.

howdy partners. reckon'd i'd mosey on over and give ya'll a re-cap.

today i was off to see the wizard. the wonderful wizard of the DMV [the Department of Motor Vehicles -- for those who don't know]... i was quite upset though cause no munchkins came out and helped me on my way...

I was quite disappointed. ..but i did meet the scare crow.. ya know "If I only had a brain".. this guy pulls up to me when i am at the bus stop and asks me if i need a ride. with his DAUGHTER in the back. his daughter whom look a whole 1 year old..

WTF is wrong with you!? just cause you got a damn cute baby in the back that is automatic means for me to jump in your car? why doesn't anyone tell me these things first.?? .


so then i get into downtown pawtucket -- after missing my first bus this morning and having to wait an extra hour -- and i walk up the street to the DMV palace and what not.. i waited for a bit then i started reading and since its like the gaddamn immigration center in there, i had ignorant spanish folks **FOOTNOTE sit right next to me and even though the woman who was further away from me had a bout 5 inches between her and the other woman she didn't know, she had to sit 5 inches away forcing her man-dude to sit almost on my lap. .. i close my legs a bit more so i can have more personal space..

..oh wait.. PERSONAL SPACE? what's that?

he spreads his legs wider so he can air out his big crusty balls.

**FOOTNOTE: not all spanish folks are rude and inconsiderate and whatnot, just the ones at the DMV. and im not prejudice or whatnot. i just dont like inconsiderate phucks.

At ease, soldier.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]