b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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at least you guys know the real story
2003-08-19 9:33 p.m.

this entry is guaranteed or your money back. you just can't half-ass it and not finish it.
Thank you.

i will re-enact the scene for you. i was sitting on the couch watching TV and thinkin of "the Mann/the Ex-Mann" [the dude who took me out to dinner..].

Me: I wonder where my husband is right now.

Mother: He is at home.

Me: Yeah I know I was just thinking of him though and about last night cause I was supposed to call him at 9 or 9:30 or so, but I fell asleep.

Mother: He should have known you would fall asleep HAHA!

[i have been known to be a bit narcoleptic in his eyes..]

Me: But yeah I called him this morning to appologize to him for not calling last night.
[the following section is a joke, he and I did not really discuss this..] And he said it was okay and then he said 'I love you' and I was like 'I love you too'..
..and he was like 'Let's get hitched, baby!' and I was like 'Yeah let's go'..
..and we went.. You didn't notice I left today?
[end of sequence that did not really happen.]

Mother: No I didn't.

Me: Oh that's cause I went out my window..
[my window space is 12 inches wide and 34 inches tall..]

Mother: HAHA! Yeah right! I'll put a damn ladder in front of your window to help you get out cause I don't think you would fit!

Little does my mommy know that I snuck a full grown man out of my window at about 6 in the morning one time while she was in the other room...awake...

I don't think she understood why I was laughing so phucking hard when she said that.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]