b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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hump day minus the humping
2006-03-23 2:38 a.m.

So then. What an interesting night. Let me forewarn that I am not to be held responsible for words that are not spelled correctly, random things, random things that dont make sense, or words that you just cant seem to figure out what they are-- i am drizzunk.

Tally ho. i made sure to spell the fist sentence correcytly for you so you could understand-- any ohter typos from here on out i am not responsible for. --somewhat but not really. lemmee tell ya about my night. [note the 1 period after each sentence when usually its 2 or 3. amazing. ]

So. I went over my couzzins house tonight for a few drinks with our um.. 'dudes' -- although these dudes certainly arent ourss. . anywayz -- the dude shes seein couldnt come out to play cause he had some sorta sicknessand was feelin prettyshitty so yeah the dude i am seeing so um.. what wa i saying? oh yea "Sexy Leo Dude", whom whichi havent meantioned before-- um.. we hung out and it was fun. he tipped the chair over 3 times. . my couzinz aunt musta been mad about it cause im sure it was prettyyy loud when she wa trying to sleep.. forget the fact that she sleeps like a rock--yes a rock. not a log.. cause logs have some sort of living substance to them an d while i am not saying that the rock couldnt have llife, it isnt as prominent to the wood that grew fromseomthign that had life.. stfu right?

i bet i wont remember this tomorrow.. anyway. the dude i was hanging out with and well, was the only dude at her house i was all over him.. cause i really really like him but i dont want him to need to know all that.. really i dont. i just feel vunerable after that.. blahblshblshb...

well .. he decided to go home and i was gonna leave like 5 minutes after and um well i lost track of the time.. um. . long story short, he went home and fell asleep. i drove all the way to his house for nothing..WTF. This is stupid. it just doesnt happen damnit..

damnit and i like was so hoping and hoping and now the next time i will see hiom is like um.. i dont know.. 3 days or something from now unless he decides to take part in muy weekend plans.. o shit its like Thursday and i need to go to sleep cause i have to be up in like 3 hours and i just drank like 1/2 liter of hypnotiq and a beer after i found out i drove all the way to his house and found out he was sleeping and then i went back to amanda;s and had that beer i just mentioned.. and while i was there..

she was totally wasted. she dropped 2 beers in a matter of like 10 minutes. ha. but she didnt really dump them--apparnetly her wrists became very weak when she was holding the bottle and just let go. im hungry.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]