b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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Mom's Two Faces Strike Again!
2005-11-01 6:01 p.m.

I don't understand her. Earlier today she was saying that my sister is basically very irresponsible.. My nephew has been living with his father for probably 5 or maybe even 6 years now while my sis and baby's daddy are supposed to have joint custody of him. Well, mom was saying the same thing I was: My sister is stupid with her money. She will sit and cry over the fact that she wants her son back, but yet she says she "Has no money" for a lawyer. Right. Okay, let's think about this: Even if you make like $12,000 a year, you could have saved SOMETHING over 6 years that would be enough to get a lawyer that you need in order to get him back. No.

You take your money and spend it on dollhouse miniature, crafts, pot, anything that has nothing to do with trying to help you get your son back.

This is exactly what me and my mother were talking about earlier. We both had the same opinion: That she is confused about what she really wants. 25% of her wants her son back, but yet 25% doesn't want him back and 50% is just plain undecided. So my mother and I agreed upon this before my sister had gotten here tonight.

So now that my sister is here and they have smoked a joint, she is taking her side on it and deffending her. MAKE UP YOUR MIND! I mean, really.

This is the same thing ma did on the night of confrontation about my step father sexually harassing her own daughters: When we spoke to her about it, she was with us on the subject saying that her own husband was a peice of shit and how he couldn't be trusted even with her own daughters. When it came time to have everyone together in the same room, She sided with my stepfather who she was just talking shit about 10 minutes before!

I can't stand her. I mean. Sometimes I can. But most of the time, I don't know what she is thinking.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]