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now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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Mom the Ravinous Carnivore.
2005-11-01 6:16 p.m.

Tonight, my mother says how shes going to make steak and they only have 2 steaks because they know I don't really like meat. I said, "Well, I just want a little bit-- I don't need a whole steak.."

And here comes her fuckin excuse "Well..She looks down cause she's a coward ..I remember the last time I made steak and you had to go to the dentist the next day..
She still won't look at me. "Well.. I didn't want you to have to go back to the dentist...
"MA! You know how much I don't like meat, I just want a LITTLE piece of it.

So I accidentally fell asleep for an hour and when I woke up, I went to eat dinner. WITH NO STEAK.

You carniverous bitch! Are you really that fuckin greedy!? I went downstairs to get the food bowl to feed my dog.

"Thanks for saving me some steak, Ma. That's really fucked up."
"MA! You had a MASSIVE steak! You couldn't evenn save me an INCH! You had to eat the whole thing!"
She did her completely guilty face.
"AND THEN! You make FUCKING EXCUSES as USUAL and talk about the last time that I had to go to the dentist! That's BULLSHIT! You just wanted to eat the whole FUCKIN thing! Are you that greedy!?"
"It was really good..."
"Yeah. I bet it was. That's retarded.

And I went back upstairs cursing her under my breath. If you're that worried about me eating a TINY PIECE of steak then GOOD. I hope it FUCKS YOU UP. Your doctor is telling you how you can't keep eating all that red meat cause your cholesterol is escolating everytime you go to see her, but yet you don't give a shit when you're shoving that meat in your face.

Greedy Ass Bitch

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