b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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Fantasies really can come true.
2005-11-12 8:38 a.m.

Hell YES!

Things are going great! Tonight is poker night and i'm preparing for a beat down cause its Texas Hold'em and shit.. I've never played that before in my life! Plus, I am guessing I will be completely wasted.. and I will be with an AMAZING guy who I never imagined would have felt the same way about me..

You wanna talk dirty? Okay.. maybe not dirty, but we can get down to business. His name is G [edited for safety].. He was in the army but was discharged because of a knee injury-- hope that doesn't affect his doogy-style [HAHA]

Hes great. I mean.. i'd like to say that no one has made me feel like this before and I think it's true for the most part, but I have probably forgotten.. He says i'm like "a little school girl" with the way I act around him cause he makes me all giggly and silly and shit!

He says i'm great :D ! YAY! I'm GREAT! He says that he likes how i'm straight forward with no bullshit or beating around the bush.. I know he's said other things about me but I can't be expected to remember all of them when he makes me all fluttery inside.. like i've never touched a boy before in my life?

Since day one in orientation for this whole school thing, I have been amazed by him.. I could tell he was different from everyone else.. I love the way he looks at me. I love to make him laugh.

Tonight is going to be great and i'll make sure to keep ya updated on this new journey I am embarking on.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]