b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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Wicked Major Note to Self:
2005-07-21 6:43 p.m.

Sunburn and a burning hot laptop do not mix.

And the sunburn wasn't from ditching work lastnight... It was from when they cancelled work today! Yeee HAW!

Funny thing was that I couldn't understand why I had such a strange reading this morning -- ya know tarot sh*t...
1. Overt theme (thing most on my mind)- the Tower
2. Hidden theme (unexpected thing usually)- 4 of Wands
3. Helpers on the path- Wheel of Fortune!
4. Challenges- 10 of Swords
5. Intergrating the lesson- Knight of Cups

Basically, the Tower is associated with a major sudden change-- hence the tower being struck by lightning and rocking the foundation of the tower. Okay so a sudden change.
Hidden is the 4 of Wands-- a celebration! Yay!
In the helpers position: the Wheel Of Fortune! Amazing shit: In the book this card uses an example of if the place you are working for closed down and you lost your job which affects you greatly, but it was nothing personal towards you losing your job, the place closed down, therefore the situations were out of your hands-- Well! Today I went to go to work and didn't see anyone there that I work with.. So i called my firend / co-worker.. She informed me that tthe inventory had been cancelled at the last minute because the store lost power and they lost a lot of merchandise.. Wheel of Fortune!
Challenges postion is 10 of swords: the ending of a tough situation.. Would this be the ending of having to dread working for the day???
Intergrating the lesson is the Knight of Cups- some serious romance. Oh yeah. How romantic: Here I am with some sunburn and by myself with the TV on but the sound off and my tarot cards by my side.. Okay, while the card does show a romantic knight, it doesn't guarantee that he will get any action from any of the fair maidens.

All in all, I think it was pretty acurate Where the hell is that bf I am supposed to have again?

[ say what? || nonsense! ]