b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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We left the evil kitty.
2003-11-16 11:32 p.m.

Gee golly gosh! I didn't do my homework yet-- because I suck of course. My room is crowded with SHIT. It's not even all mine which is kinda strange to me.. It's like I have adopted clutter or I am babysitting someone else's goods.. Anyyyhow..

Long Story Short: My oldest sister and I spent the entire Saturday packing and moving everything out of where she was. We were on a time restraint because the dude she was living with was working at the time and didn't know that she was moving out.. [Long Story.......]

Yeah, I could just imagine the look on his face when he walked in the door and nothing was there.. MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!

..But we ended up having to go back later to deal with the savage beast...

[ say what? || nonsense! ]