b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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303:INFJ to Fuck Subway
2009-09-18 8:50 p.m.

It has become apparent to me that I don't know what I really want to do with my life.. then again, you don't find many who are completely sure..

I took a Jung personality test and found I am --at the moment-- an INFJ. My life has undergone many changes as of late, such as quitting poking the smot, more meditation, more spiritual focus, less anxiety, more selfishness, more drama (not intentional), more self discovery.. uh.. etc. . blah blah blah.

I figured it may help me determine a path and it really made a lot of sense.. I always wanted to be a counselor, teacher, writer, artist and amazingly, the type test actually suggested these types of career paths.. Now what do I do? I don't have much money and I feel bad going back to school, but being FORCED to say "Welcome to Subway!" is absolutely draining the life out of me. Ya know how you're supposed to have positive affirmations? Like, they are good for your self esteem? Well, my affirmation every time I have to say that all sounds like a script like this: "Welcome to Subway! I am their trained monkey and since I need to get paid to survive, I shall degrade myself by bowing to the authorities. What can I get for you?" Fuck Subway. Haha. Bastards. Everyday I feel like taking a bread knife to the jugular. Actually, I hope Fred DeLuca himself reads this. Maybe it will change the fact that they are actually fining owners if they send a secret shopper in and we don't say it.. Fuck Subway.

That's actually a good google search, I shall try it out.. 77,200 search results.. I guess I will be number 77,201. Fuck Subway.

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