b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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324: up to speed
2014-09-19 9:49 a.m.

I've erased many entries again (shame on me) so here's a recap:

Moved 900 something miles away from my old address, still dealing with alcohol issues, still without a social life, probably still a bitter cunt but I don't know because I have been stuck in the house for 4 months.

Apparently, I'm a homemaker now since we moved. I knew it would be lonely, but good god! It's downright depressing some days. We're stuck in a bleh apartment until we get into a house, which we have an inspection for tonight and hopefully it goes well because then I'll have more stuff to do than just cleaning this place all the time... Mmm, redundancy. I'm guessing it won't be until next year that I'll finally be able to get into my new "work from home" job of lampworking since we don't have a place for my torch and stuff.

After all the turmoil of my relationship, it's been better than ever and I'm extremely happy. It always feels a bit strange admitting it though.

Working on my tarot studies again and as of this week, it's a main focus of my day. Trying to get my intuition to spark back up and all that too so that's fun.

Hoping to get back to writing on a regular basis, which I've been saying for years, and now that I've got the time it's a possibility... we'll see.

So, I'm hungry and forgot that I need to finish my daily card reading amongst others. Toodle-fucking-loo!

[ say what? || nonsense! ]