b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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2: "Everything happens for a reason."
2003-07-20 9:00 a.m.

i feel like i am sinking.
i'm like, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Maybe I should take a ride to Boston with my friend Michelle.. Oh yeah. I don't have a car to drive."

Or another thing i think is, "Oh yeah, I lost my job. Maybe I should go pick up my check and drop off my aprons and parking pass and keys. Oh yeah. I don't have a car."

Or i think, "So when I have to go get my check and drop off my aprons and keys and parking pass, I'll have to grab a ticket so I don't get stuck inside the mall. Oh yeah.. I don't have a car."

Driving was the one thing that kept me sane. That and Neal-- my boyfriend of two years-- but we broke up 2 weeks before this woman wrecked my car.
Does she feel bad that she ruined my means of transportation? Ruined my spine? Made me lose my job? Is making me go insane? Screwed up my memory, thought, concentration, ... I can't even remember what i was going to say.
She is probably laughing at me knowing that she ruined my life.
Now I have to go to the neurologist, chiropractor, hospital, lawyer's office.. all the places you don't normally go unless you work there or something.

She has scarred me for life. Does that give her the right to call me and hang up on me? Oh it does? How come I did not know this.

This whole situation makes me want to cry. I wasn't depressed enough when me and Neal seperated now I have to deal with this.
"Everything happens for a reason." That better be the truth.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]