b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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Who needs headlights anyway!?
2004-10-11 12:48 p.m.

Sunset-ish time yesterday, [I think it was 6:15pm] I was designated the job of going to the bank and getting dinner for me and the man. I quickly finish getting ready, grab my satchel, fish out my keys and close the door behind me. I present the corresponding key to my car door lock, proceed to unlock and then enter the vehicle. Start up the car [VrroooOmmm!], turn on my lights, slap on the belt and I am on my way! Wooo-hoo!

I went to the bank and removed my cash and other various bank paraphernalia, and then I pull away.. My car putts up the road and I make it to my destination: Food.

I pull into my desired spot..

..Wait a minute.. Didn't I turn my headlights on? Why are my parking lights the only thing on? WTF? I turn my lights all the way off.. and all the way on again to re-confirm the fact that BOTH of my Cheap-o-Hyundai headlights are OUT.

I was pretty mad about this cause my passenger's light went out a month ago and I finally had the money to go and buy the stupid bulb... but I didn't.

And now they're both out.. That's karma, eh?

So after I left the food joint, it had gotten dark out.. forcing me to drive up the street about .62 miles with my high-beams on like an asshole.

I feel so rednecked..

[ say what? || nonsense! ]