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Chicken or the Egg??
2004-10-12 11:12 a.m.

What came first: The chicken or the egg?

It's the age old question.. And you think you'd be able to answer it easily right? WRONG! I've yet to see anyone be able to really answer this.

Extensive research should go into this, if it doesn't already. God forbid my precious tax dollars go to a special project like this rather than the so-called "Poor Folk" running around the ghetto with WELFARE and GOLD JEWELERY ON. As you may already know, Welfare can't pay for anything besides food.. Why the fuck should my money go to those assholes who have enough money to buy and "Rock" jewelery when I can only afford $5 necklaces!?

But. That is another story.

I think it might be good for the world to end this tramatizing riddle: Was it the chicken or the egg that did indeed come first? Who knows, maybe it could unlock more legendary mysteries of the world!

Nostradomus probably couldn't even answer this on his final exam..

[ say what? || nonsense! ]