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---**Bush - VS - the Entire Nation**--
2004-10-12 6:29 p.m.

Dear Citizens,
    This November, we here at BedBunny, encourage you to get out there and vote! We also insist that you shut the fuck up about who you are voting for since voting is all about making a decision for yourself.

Thank you.

Let's think about this for a moment, shall we?

    Noone really ever tried or pushed to get the younger generation to vote over the decades in which they were elligable. Not until now. Bush changed everything by pushing to go to war and doing so without permission. All the sudden, voting is such a spectacular thing! BUT- what good is it if everyone is saying "Vote for Kerry!" and if you ask why, they usually say "Cause it's not Bush!



Well what the shit: what the hell do you people think? You think that Bush is imperfect in his ways and, yeah, an idiot if you have listened to some of his speeches, right?

We're all human.

Yeah, I'm so totally sure that you Never stutter when you're put on a podium in front of the entire Nation. Not just that, He made one hasty decision that changed the world. That decision also affected the opions of everyone with a pulse. Right?

But should I ask if Bush is all that bad?

Kerry hasn't really said a damn thing about what he would do if put in office. He lost his chance when he was blinded by the limelight at the Democratic National Convention.

You can't just start a fucking movement over a hasty decision and a nervous speech problem.

Has the country lost their minds?

Just because he's not Bush, doesn't mean that he couldn't fuck up even worse than when Bush just decided that he would go to war.

Don't keep saying "Vote Kerry! Vote Kerry!" when the guy hasn't even got a CAMPAIGN!

Don't listen to that shit! Make the decision for yourself!

Maybe I am just scared that the entire Nation is saying, "Get out and vote! but what they really mean is, "Let's oust Bush just because someone thinks it's a good idea! Let's ride the gravy train so we can feel what National Unity is like all over again!"

Open your ears! Open your eyes! Watch the debate! Make your OWN decision!

[ say what? || nonsense! ]