b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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Proper #323: gotta stop deleting my entries so I can stop re numbering them
2014-10-01 1:06 p.m.

Can't wait to move out of this apartment complex. I can't handle the blood curdling screams from these freaking kids. There's also the chihuahua that never stops barking when it's owners are gone and seemingly pisses all over the door so we can all smell it, the owners of said dog thinking it's okay to cook really rank fish-- consequently stinking up the hallway and then it seeps into everyone else's apartments (the stench being so awful that I woke out of a sound sleep), those same neighbors letting their cat sit out in the hall all night meowing his little balls off, our upstairs neighbors who think it's alright to play their electric guitar plugged into the amplifier all night, the same neighbors walking around right above our heads while we're trying to sleep and making the ceiling sound like it's shattering, the kid who has nightmares almost every night and wakes up the whole building, the idiots who don't properly restrain their dogs outside are probably the same idiots who let their dogs shit everywhere without picking it up, having to scrape quarters together to do laundry in an overpriced-undersized machine that doesn't work properly, blah blah blah. /rant. I digress.

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