b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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326: 11 years and nothing to show for it
2014-09-30 4:23 p.m.

I am the type that will procrastinate on everything until I've missed the opportunity to act. Not really sure where this behavior originated, but it's extremely annoying. I figure my first step is to pay more attention to my email.. it sounds really stupid, but I probably have between 3 to 4 THOUSAND emails that I have just been like "eh, I'll read that later" and of course I don't so they sit there overwhelming my stupid inbox with offers I can feel shitty about ignoring later. Turd. Anyway, it's hard to delete everything at once when you don't have a proper computer anymore.. very much a pain in the ass.

Shout out to Andrew for altering a smidgen of the html here for the first time in.. well, since I started using diaryland like 11 years ago ... holy shit! Time flies!

So I have to find something to be productive with.


[ say what? || nonsense! ]