b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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"Why do you always have to grab my..."
2005-07-14 8:11 p.m.

Everytime I try to smoke some shit with my mother, she does something to aggrivate me. Well.. Who am I kidding? Anytime she is in my presence, I am ticked off. With that said: When we're smoking a bowl together and she needs my lighter, she won't ask me at first.. She looks around like she might have it when she knows she doesn't, just avoiding asking me. So I try to hand it to her-- with just my fingers on ONE side of it but somehow, Her Big Ole' Mitt Swalllows My Little Paw!!! WTF is that!? DON'T TOUCH ME! You may have given birth to me, But don't grab my hand and like, drag your fucking elephant skin across the back of my hand! ! That's SICKENING!

So, she goes for the lighter... And I was holding it so close to the edge that it slipped and fell on the couch.. I picked it up and out of instinct I threw it at her hand.

I blurted out, "Why do you always have to grab my hand when I try to give you the lighter?" And she looks away all hurt and crap. Blah.

Grabbing a finger tip is alright if its a accident, or if you were some big sexxy man who wants to get my attention.. But you're not trying to fuck me and it wasn't a accident so cut that shit out! *super eye roll*

[ say what? || nonsense! ]