b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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My sisters favorite bar and underage sluts!
2005-05-07 10:20 a.m.

In reference to my previous entry regarding Cinco de Mayo, my sister wasn't working that night. But she did call me back and invited me to hang out with her and a few friends of hers at her favorite bar that she practically lives at. So I went.

I never expected what I saw. I knew that I was asking for it by going out with her... She told me that the place was dead. She totally lied and I knew it before I had even gotten there.

My arrival time was about 11pm. My sister was up next to play pool. By the time I walked in the door she had the stick already in her hand.. Hey, I guess that could be taken 2 ways: 1. It was her turn for pool... 2. It seemed like every guy in the place had a rod for her. ..
Maybe not every guy at first cause she was acting like a ho-- but I don't care. I am used to it. She's has been super-flirtatious with guys since she was in like 8th grade.. that's like 9 years.. whatever. If I was single, I would have enjoied myself as well.

..but then I noticed this freako bitch checking out mysister. She literally looked like a lion stalking its prey. As she weaved through the crowd, she squinted her eyes at my sister.. and slowly moved in for the kill. Apparently, they both knew each other by 3 brothers that they used to hang out with.. Don't let me trail off now though..

This girl was wearing a ugly tweed-plaid jacketthing, a black turtleneck, and a skirt that looked like it was made out of cheap couch upholstry. Oh yeah. and some RIDICULOUS old gray steel toe boots that she looked like she pulled out of a dumpster somewhere.

This girl had the balls to kiss my sister. Right in front of me. I have my seen my sister kiss another girl before but WTFFF!?!? Have some respect you ugly slut! Oh yeah and then her other friend, who would have been kinda cute if she wasn't such a tramp, walks over and says something to my sister and then grabs her and kisses her... my sister pushed her away and the girl went back to her table laughing. Ugh whatever. Fzuckin Hoes.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]