b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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You can really both just eat shit. No.. REALLY.
2005-09-21 8:50 p.m.

So, me with my one sided swollen face and half of my mouth split open, went to my financial aid meeting tonight having to bring my sexually harassing step father with me. He said something about how he was going to give them shit for having to come with me because if I am the one going to school, he's got nothing to do with it. I am under 24, he had to come with me to help me out or whatever with his financial info blahblahblah..

Trust me, asshole: I didn't want to have to take you anywhere and I don't want anything from you now that I know who you really are.

You make me sick. How can you be pissed off at me because I am under 24? Don't you remember all the shit you just put us all through by saying screwed up / completely out of line comments to us and then youre gonna be mad at me? Go fuck yourself.

I mean, I don't like to be mean and I don't like to write like this, but I just don't understand how you can be such a dick.

How is it that you tell 2 out of 3 of your WIFE's daughters that you have "thoughts" about them and all that other shit and then you just expect us to forgive and forget?? How is it that my mother is fucking so BLIND!?

When we told her what was up and what was really going on with you, she was with us on our side saying how you couldnt be trusted and then you come upstairs and we all have a "chat" about it but she fuckin sides with you after that?

I dont know what to do anymore. She is all happy for me goin back to school, but when she hears you say that you've got to help me take out a loan, she acts like I just told her that I killed her dog? What's the damn deal here? How can you be my mother and be on his side and actually touch that asshole let alone have sex with him after you know what hes really thinkin about?

How can you do this to me? You're both really fucked up and you belong together.. I'll even play the Mariah Carey song for you when I tell you how fucked the both of you are. You both make me really really ill.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]