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Soulmate? Or Coincidence?
2005-05-22 2:32 a.m.

Okay. So I think it was yesterday Thursday that I worked at CVS... [The company I work for goes into stores and takes their inventories..] There are always customers that can't help themselves and they just have to say something to you.. Well, there was one guy who was looking at cards and he was VERY attractive... like a magnet.. and he said something about being John Wayne because of the pouches that I have to wear on my belt to hold my tags and things.. I didn't understand what he meant but I went along with it and laughed.
Well, I haven't been able to stop thinking about this guy cause he looked so familiar. ..and like I said, this guy was like a magnet and that includes being a magnet for my thoughts... I hoped that he would have said something else to me so I could have given him a good comeback.. It never happened.We both went on our own merry ways and whatnot.

Tonight I stopped by my sister's bar for last call.. And who is sitting at the bar but that same Guy! Still as amazing as I remembered him to be, he looked at me and asked me if I worked at CVS. I gave him a simple no and his reply was, "Good.".. Well, Then I got a flashback of him reading the cards.. IT WAS HIM! I said, "Well, actually.. I work for an inventory company that takes the inventory for CVS.. I think I remember you.. you were reading the cards, right?"

Of course I was right. Turns out that he is a marine and he is moving to Florida soon. What are the odds that this guy is totally amazing, he's in the marines, AND he is moving to Florida-- the state that I would like to make my own..

Is this fate? Why do I always think like this? Who knows though.. maybe we are star-crossed lovers and we are made for eachother.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]