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now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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312: Morning glory blues
2011-05-08 12:06 a.m.

A couple of years ago I was living in an apartment which was the front of a small home. When summer came around I fell in love with the pink and purple morning glories which started growing up on the side of the porch. Ever since those days I had fantasies of growing them in the future. I harvested countless seeds and couldn't wait to start them...

Two years later, the seeds were no good so I bought five packets of "Star of Yelta" in hopes of covering two long, ugly fences in the back yard. Looking around on the internet has made me weary of growing them since people seem to have problems with them reseeding so badly and most of the types are terribly invasive. Well, there is already something growing in the back of the yard which is english ivy... but I'm sure it doesn't grow nearly as quickly as a morning glory vine.

Now, the seeds have all sprouted-- all 140 of them (no kidding... I counted as I potted them all individually).

So, what does one do with 140 morning glory seedlings? I don't want our neighbors to hate us nor to kill any other plants it might be around to come into contact with.

Suggestions, anyone?

[ say what? || nonsense! ]