b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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Another Catching Up.
2006-05-10 7:07 a.m.

I think it's been 32 days since I have last written..

Wow. I was really drunk that night. So, I shall bring this up to date. . [I would really like to stop bringing things "up to date" and just start writing everyday like I used to.. things were easier that way.]


"Sexy Leo Dude" from my last entry turned out to be more like "Sexy Leo Douche". I don't really talk to him anymore..


I moved out of my house and into my cousin's starting on Saturday April 29th, didn't sleep there on that night, finished moving my stuff on Sunday, slept over Sunday night, had a fight with her and moved all my shit back out in a hour and a half.. I tried to do it while she was at work to avoid having to explain my reasoning to her.


On Sunday night, Leo Douche came over after playing several rounds of poker at his friend's house, just to poke me.. he showed up uninvited at 11pm while everyone was trying to sleep, had sex with me, and after it was done, i could tell he wanted just to go.. I said "Want to lay down for a second?" and his reply was "No. I think i'm just gonna go." So fuck you too then dude. That was really disrespectful.


I haven't talked to my cousin since i moved in and out of her house in less than 24 hours. I think I should talk to her today.


I got a job making sandwiches at an undisclosed location and my boss violated me so I took a long time off and now that I decided to "go back", I have decided that I don't want to. I realized that I will just be a major bitch whenever I have to work there cause I don't want to deal with customers.


I finished school last Friday on May 5th [a.k.a.- Cinco de Mayo] so now I am a free bird.


Now that I have finished school, I have gone back to work for the inventory company I was working for since I can work during the day and I really need to pull myself out of the hole I have sunk into. Blah.


I found this dude that I had a huge crush on in elementary school and I guess we are like boyfriend / girlfriend now.. Why do I always find myself in relationships that I later question how I got myself into? All is swell between us so that is good.. And he's great to me which is great.. I just dont want to hurt him.. I am good at that. I should write it on my resume.

I was supposed to do this whole chair massage thingy for teacher appreciation week.. but i really really hate giving chair massages... they're really awkward and they hurt my wrists.. grr. I am strongly considering not going, but I don't want anyone to be mad at me. . Fuck it right? Do what my heart desires?? I desire not going. so. There.

I think that's all the catching up.. I am not sure though but I guess I will figure it out as the entries come pouring out of my veins.. ONWARD!

[ say what? || nonsense! ]