b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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good god that was dramatic.
2003-09-10 10:17 a.m.

Second Entry of the Day

as i promised in my previous entry, here is more on the subject of 1984.....

So as I have said, I keep falling asleep every 5 pages. All the pages in between I have a burning desire to just throw the book across the room because I don't want to read it.

I am not reading this drastically boring book for a class or anything, it is simply because everyone I know who has read it marvels over how its a great book and blahblahblah..

I don't like reading books on politics or government because it bores me to the point of wanting to rip all my hair out.

Because of the fact that it makes me want to rip my hair out, I have put it all in small braids.. This way, no matter how pissed off I get I can tug my ass off on my hair but its not going anywhere.

I often think of ways that I can demolish this book because I hate it with a passion.. I have come up with burning it and celebrating. But I have spent $7 on this book so it irritates me that I want to destroy it.

But its like a compulsion.. There is a devil on one shoulder going, "Throw the book! Burn the book!" and then there is the angel saying, "But that would be a waste of money! And you should give it a chance if it is supposed to be such a classic!"


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