b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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309: Anonymous texting and housewife syndrome
2011-01-14 7:32 a.m.

I got a text yesterday from a friend asking if my old boss should send my w2 tax form to my old address. I abruptly left my old apartment about 10 months ago for greener pastures. Somehow it feels as though he is asking for reasons other than to make sure that he's got the right address. It was a good try, though. I sent a text message from a website so he wouldn't have my new number either. Is that mean? It's not intended to be-- I just like the way things are right now..

I requested today off about 2 weeks in advance for an awesome event we volunteer for, but we didn't have anyone to watch the sweetest doggie in the whole world. So, instead, I shall pretend to be a housewife (because there is a LOT of cleaning to do now that the big bad wolf is gone) and go upon a shopping adventure! Actually, I should be leaving so I can beat everyone else-- shopping pisses me off where I am going because people don't have any brains, I mean, common courtesy...

Not really looking forward to going rock climbing later and I can't tell if it is because I am lazy of because my back is killing me-- perhaps a combination of both.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]