b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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319: Re-liberation.
2011-07-12 8:11 p.m.

How is it that the last time I updated was 14 days ago? Damn. I hate time. Anyway, I just realized that I should move into the living room and sit with my man.. so that is what i shall do.

Anyway, I just read something which I have thought a lot about for a while now written by someone (who I am sure would like to remain "name-less") about how when other people read your diary that you tend to over think what you are writing.. and she's absolutely right. I am always into appeasing people but then I realize there is a HUGE part of me that just wants to say fuck it.

At some point during this adventure through my 20's, I had felt more pressure of being "a lady" and watching what I say... but who am I kidding? I LOVE TO SWEAR! FUCK YEAH!! ..although I am not sure how much she meant censorship of every word.. Basically, I have had enough of trying to appease everyone and I do enough of that shit at work so I am throwing it out the window here. I am not into it anymore nor have I ever been into trying to fit the mold of what others think I should do. That's that. So if I offend, well, sorry.. but i'm sure if you are used to the old writings of bedbunny, it is not going to matter at all.

Where the hell am I going with this? Maybe I will start a new entry that doesn't begin with a semi-warning about my apathetic attitude.

[ say what? || nonsense! ]