b e d b u n n y . d i a r y l a n d . c o m
now with more domesticated flavor!.. just kidding. I'm a piece of shit.

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320: Goin on a holiday! woot wwoot!
2011-07-15 6:58 a.m.

So.. i had a really shit day yesterday at work and the crazy cat bitch was about to get choked before i left so when i came home i had about 7 shots of Rumple Mintze (100 proof booze).. although it could have been more since i lost track after the 4th.

i am on vacation baby! woohoo! so i am not even going to use proper capitalization! ahh. feels nice. anyway, i wish there was a way to update with my phone cause i know i am gonna want to write viciously while away.. but alas, if i hadn't dropped my beloved ipod touch into the toilet then my dilemma would be solved! woe is me =(

we have to take the dog with us cause i couldn't find anyone to watch her while away-- that's gonna be interesting.. boyfriend doesn't want her anywhere in the car except my lap and we are driving from Rhode Island to New Jersey then on sunday we will be going to North Carolina.. hopefully she doesn't go nuts and try to jump out the window or something..

as far as work is concerned, that woman is driving me MAD! how terrible is it that i secretly hope she just doesn't show up ever again? bitch is insane. the next time she comes to me with another story about how she just washed the rugs or her comforter and then one of her 23 cats comes and throws up on it i will throw up on her. i'm so fucking tired for hearing about how she can't get the cat food dye stains out of her house.. here's a thought: give up the cats!! and i don't want to hear about how her daughter should have pity because she went and got her stomach stapled as if it's some horrible condition that caused her to have the elective procedure-- let's face it-- you're both idiots! tada!

i jumped all over the place on this one-- my man needs the computer and i was in a hurry.. i'm sure when i come back i will be like "wtf was up with that entry??"

i'll just blame it on the booze

[ say what? || nonsense! ]