Back Issues

2006-01-20 - Request for a day off.
2005-11-12 - Fantasies really can come true.
2005-11-01 - Mom the Ravinous Carnivore.
2005-11-01 - Mom's Two Faces Strike Again!
2005-09-28 - Fantasy Livin
2005-09-23 - You're UNBELIEVEABLE! Absolutey Ridiculous.
2005-09-21 - You can really both just eat shit. No.. REALLY.
2005-09-21 - Life was simple when I was young.. Not Anymore!!
2005-09-20 - yucky. gag. vomit.
2005-09-20 - Goodbye Wisdom Teeth! Useless bastards!
2005-09-20 - Back up Bitch!
2005-09-18 - Sexual Harassment by my "Step-Father". Dick
2005-09-18 - My World is Crumbling Down
2005-09-17 - I thought we were in love.
2005-09-16 - Beginning of my career?
2005-09-12 - Career decisions.. not yours
2005-09-10 - Me: Analyzed.
2005-09-03 - Say what? Is it April fools again?
2005-07-30 - tired of life
2005-07-27 - You could learn a few things..
2005-07-26 - I hate switching birth controls! :(
2005-07-25 - .When My Heart Breaks.
2005-07-25 - Arg, the dentist!
2005-07-23 - "..And the Mega Ridiculous award goes to..."
2005-07-23 - Quick tip for crying and crapping simultaneously
2005-07-21 - Wicked Major Note to Self:
2005-07-20 - Wow falling asleep.... zzz
2005-07-18 - Long time to write this- Definately worth it.
2005-07-14 - "Why do you always have to grab my..."
2005-07-14 - Major realization about feelings for mom.
2005-07-13 - Termites <3 to rock the house!
2005-07-12 - Goodbye red! Hello, boring ass brown! + other changes!
2005-07-12 - Word up.
2005-07-09 - Piss off already!
2005-07-09 - Some random things to catch yous up!
2005-07-02 - Feeling Better.
2005-06-01 - A Busy Day.
2005-05-25 - Mom's daily grind.
2005-05-22 - Soulmate? Or Coincidence?
2005-05-16 - One of life's little mysteries
2005-05-15 - Watch out now!
2005-05-12 - F It All.
2005-05-10 - Recent window smashings- another victim.
2005-05-07 - My sisters favorite bar and underage sluts!
2005-05-05 - �Hoy es Cinco De mayo! �Salga y tenga muchas cervezas!
2005-04-28 - I need freedom.
2005-04-26 - "...The world may never know."
2005-04-26 - I wouldn't have $8000 worth the bills to pay if she didn't hit me in the first place.
2005-04-07 - Dear Over-bearing Mother...
2005-04-05 - I need direction.. but I'm workin on it!
2005-03-26 - Constant Dreaming of Miami.
2005-03-16 - I <3 Miami Beach!!
2005-02-28 - When I hear music, it makes me dance!
2005-02-21 - maybe someday.. i'll keep dreaming
2005-02-20 - I am "MEGA BITCH"! Hear me ROAR!
2005-02-20 - The vehicle tavern - the party tent at the Albanifest in Winterthur
2005-02-16 - Save me
2005-02-10 - What is pepperoni anyway?
2005-02-10 - Does your crotch smell like pits?
2005-01-25 - bahhumbug. lesbiano
2005-01-23 - New England.. You suck the big one.
2005-01-16 - I'm a little bit tired.
2005-01-04 - St. Josephs
2005-01-04 - Ponder with me for a sec..
2005-01-01 - Oh no she didn't!

slower just right faster


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