Back Issues

2004-12-30 - Erection Button
2004-12-28 - 40 minutes late.. but who's counting?
2004-12-27 - Frostbite bites!
2004-12-26 - Sock Monsters.
2004-12-25 - Embarassing? I think so.
2004-12-23 - shopping
2004-12-21 - FIRE IN THE HOLE!
2004-12-21 - Did I mention things get a bit loud?
2004-12-21 - "..I know it's not correct grammar.. It's fine, mom."
2004-12-02 - December 2. What a day.
2004-10-27 - Seriously though..
2004-10-23 - No-one else is getting ass in the condo.. but me!
2004-10-23 - Work can suck it.. oh wait.. it does!
2004-10-21 - My voting process..
2004-10-20 - Ocean Spray Suggestion...
2004-10-16 - Saturday! Woop-Woop!
2004-10-14 - Part 2- Weekend Plans + My Butt-Lickin Boyfriend.
2004-10-14 - Part One- My weekend that hasn't begun!
2004-10-13 - Clever marketing..
2004-10-12 - READ ME! BUSH VS KERRY!
2004-10-12 - ---**Bush - VS - the Entire Nation**--
2004-10-12 - Chicken or the Egg??
2004-10-11 - Who needs headlights anyway!?
2004-10-11 - WANTED: Large Apartment, Small Price Tag
2004-10-10 - You aren't letting me go.
2004-10-09 - College + Dog sweaters
2004-10-09 - I'm tired.. of falling asleep!
2004-09-03 - I hopped the fence...
2004-08-28 - Fashions by Barbie? I don't think so.
2004-08-19 - Is this kosher?
2004-08-14 - Updating Darryl Porno.
2004-07-18 - 10-4, Darryl Porno! Do you copy!?
2004-06-13 - "Deez Nice"
2004-06-09 - Protected by Viper! Stand back!
2004-06-08 - Fleeing the scene
2004-06-02 - "This mailbox is not a toy"
2004-05-28 - Eavesdropping?
2004-05-15 - Thoughts of urination..
2004-04-26 - Cookie, my love?
2004-04-05 - Give it to me.
2004-03-29 - She works hard for the money.
2004-03-29 - Scunci vs Cosmopolitan
2004-03-26 - Fucking ridiculous.
2004-03-18 - I hate time.
2004-03-17 - Sushi sandwiches
2004-03-17 - PSA
2004-03-16 - Another exciting day!
2004-03-15 - Trusty.
2004-03-07 - yeah. look at me.. full of guilt
2004-02-20 - Thanks for the E-Coli, Gramma!
2004-02-13 - Would you like those eggs scrambled?
2004-02-13 - The Best.
2004-02-11 - Cosmo has spoken.
2004-02-11 - Happy to see you.
2004-01-15 - Dreaming
2004-01-06 - "No One Else Can Have Me!"
2004-01-01 - I appologize for typos.... ;D

slower just right faster


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